
The Blogs They Are 'A Changin

The updates have been few and far between. I assure you—and by 'you' I mean 'me'—that there is a good reason for this: things are just too good. There are so many wonderful things around me at this juncture that it has become extremely difficult for me to separate from myself and write about random, mostly mundane, news items. I am so completely content within myself that leaving this comfortable inner-abode seems completely unnecessary and rather undesirable. In fact, I am so affected by my current state of bliss that I am beginning to reconsider the entire purpose and motivation behind this blog. Why do or should I force myself to write about these things? Are my opinions on these topics so unique or interesting? I distinctly recall getting the most enjoyment from writing about my personal experiences and reflections.

Perhaps I need a new mission statement and a better understanding of what it is that I like about writing and what I like to write about. I am beginning to think that it is unreasonable for me to expect of myself that I should be able to stay on any particular thematic path for any meaningful length of time. Maybe that's just not my style.

This blog began as a way to fill a need. That need was to have a creative outlet that would allow me to focus my mind and collect my thoughts. Also, quite frankly, it served as a way of performing upkeep on my writing, or more generally, written communication skills. I still believe in this, dare I say it, art form's utility, but I may still need to mold it to fit my style and find my niche.

I am still new at this. There are many things to consider.

To be continued...

- David Bowie

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